Where are all the remote jobs people are talking about?
As a remote work consultant, I see and hear about remote positions all of the time. When people tell me they can’t find remote work I often wonder where they are looking. Remote working is an industry and every industry has a community. If you aren’t finding remote jobs, you have not made yourself familiar with the community.
Being part of a community isn’t simply showing up and looking for work. It’s about being part of the conversation. Sharing success and struggles. Discussing thoughts and exploring ideas. You are most likely part of a community now where this is all commonplace. So much so when people say they’ve had a hard time finding a product or service you easily gave the person several options.
Think about the communities you belong to and make it a point to get involved in (sports, travel, children, pet, political). You should be just as intentional with your remote work communities. Remember, working remotely is a complete lifestyle change that is positive but can also have downsides if you do not know how or where to get help.
It’s important that your community be personal as well. Not all remote groups are the same or have the same types of conversations happening, and if you are in the wrong community you won’t be able to give or receive value. There will come a time when you need advice or share best practices. You don’t want to ask for or give advice when you don’t feel understood, understand who is asking, or the environment is not a safe space for you.
Here are just a few of my favorite communities where you can also learn about remote positions.
Digital Nomads Around the World
For those of you that are able to find positions, apply, and then hear nothing but crickets you most likely need to change how you are applying. Remember that how you applied for work even just a few years ago isn’t how you apply for work now. The best online course I’ve found, and recommend to all those who I consult with on how to get a remote job is actually free!
Heard the phrase looking for a full-time job is a full-time job? Well, it can seem like more than that at times! This course is broken down and made easily digestible over five days.
It was created by a friend of mine, Robert, who easily changed remote jobs whenever he wanted (and he’s not a developer). He had so many people ask him how he was able to get the offers that he created a free online course. I highly recommend it. (I receive no commission - it’s free - and have no affiliation with this course other than that I know the person who created it. )
What if your skills aren’t immediately transferrable? For instance, you’re a writer, but the employer wants a content marketer or someone experienced in sales funnels or SEO. Well, you take a class. Let’s face it, whether you want to be a lifelong learner or not if you want to keep a job, keep getting promoted, and create opportunities for yourself you’ll need to learn new skills.
It’s also never been easier to completely change your career. It’s worth it to get the remote job you want and create a new lifestyle!
Here are some of my favorite online learning platforms (I receive no commission and have no affiliation with any of these):
What if you don’t want to leave your current role? You want to be able to work remotely for your current employer. Remote-how has a guide just for you. Does your boss want you to become remote work certified? They got you covered as well!
How To Convince Your Boss, That You Can Work Remotely
I got my career started by asking. It’s crazy to think I was the first employee to ever be remote and I was the executive assistant! Sometimes you have to ask. However, you also have to know the benefits for the company. It cannot be one-sided.
Whether pitching yourself to your current boss or with a potential employer, during the interview you should be able to let them know how you working for them is beneficial. You are now in the business of selling yourself not just your skills. Need help with remote interviewing? Your go-to resource is Spark Hire.
We often feel most comfortable when we are prepared. Prepare yourself to know what the interviewer is going to ask you. Put yourself in their shoes. Do your homework. Never get casual because the interview is remote.
Remote jobs are available, but you don’t find them, apply for them, or even interview for them the same way you used to. Looking for a new job, of any kind, requires you to devote time to it. Make sure you are devoting your time to doing things that matter.
Want to know the biggest mistake people make when looking for a remote position? Watch the video below.